
critical reading中文是什么意思

  • 评论性的阅读
  • 评论性阅读



  • 例句与用法
  • The critical reader may feel that there is a certain amount of sleight of hand in this derivation .
  • This book contains 3 major parts : strategies for literal comprehension , strategies for critical reading , and study techniques
  • It is due to this that we choose the interactive model of reading and the critical reading theory in our design
  • A critical reading of the javaone conference schedule provides some insight into where java technology is actually being used , and where sun would like to take it
  • To be more specific , i do not need to pay more attention to how to write reference , how to use spss , how to do critical reading and thinking , how to do literature review and how to avoid plagiarism , which are essentials to obtain success on study
  • The present study is an experimental study on critical reading which intends to find out : the effect of critical reading strategy training on frequency of use of the strategies , the extent to which critical reading may help improve reading comprehension and writing , the evaluation of the subjects of critical reading teaching
  • The authors wish to thank xavier verg farrero for encouraging us to write this article and for his corrections , jordi buj aris for his critical reading and useful discussions about struts , and david charboneau for his help in configuring the strutsscripting tool
    感谢xavier verg farrero鼓励我们撰写这篇文章并对其进行了修改,感谢jordi buj aris仔细阅读了全文并与我们就struts进行了非常有益的讨论,感谢david charboneau帮助我们配置strutsscripting工具。
  • 百科解释
Critical reading is a form of skepticism that does not take a text at face value, but involves an examination of claims put forward in the text as well as implicit bias in the text's framing and selection of the information presented. The ability to read critically is an ability assumed to be present in scholars and to be learned in academic institutions.
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